Energizing Yoga for Cold, Wet Winter Days: Keep Your Heart Pumping Indoors
When winter weather hits with damp, raw days, it can be challenging to stay motivated and active. But you don’t have to brave the cold to get your heart rate up, a dynamic yoga practice can warm your body, boost your energy, and lift your mood right from the comfort of home. Below is a heart-pumping sequence designed to keep you moving and cozy indoors.
Breathwork to Warm the Body (Kapalabhati Pranayama)
Why Practice Kapalabhati?
This breathwork technique generates internal heat, clears the mind, and energizes the body—perfect for starting your winter practice.
How to Practice:
Sit comfortably with a straight spine, either on a yoga mat or a chair.
Place your hands on your knees, palms facing down.
Inhale deeply through your nose.
Begin sharp, forceful exhalations through the nose while the abdomen contracts. The inhalation happens passively between exhalations.
Perform 20-30 rounds, then take a full breath and rest.
Repeat for up to 3 rounds.
Note: Avoid this practice if you are pregnant or have respiratory conditions.
Dynamic Flow Sequence to Get the Blood Moving
Warm-Up (5 Minutes)
Cat-Cow (8 rounds)
Begin on hands and knees in a tabletop position.
Inhale, drop your belly, lift your chest, and gaze up (Cow Pose).
Exhale, round your spine, tuck your chin, and press the mat away (Cat Pose).
Downward Dog to Plank Flow (6 rounds)
From Downward Dog, shift forward into Plank Pose.
Hold for a breath, then push back to Downward Dog.
Repeat the flow with steady breath.
Standing Forward Fold to Half-Lift (6 rounds)
From a standing position, fold forward, letting your head hang.
Inhale to a half-lift with a flat back.
Exhale to fold again.
Heart-Pumping Flow (10 Minutes)
Sun Salutation B (3 rounds)
Chair Pose (Utkatasana): Inhale, bend your knees and sweep your arms overhead.
Forward Fold: Exhale, fold over your legs.
Half-Lift: Inhale, lengthen your spine.
Plank: Exhale, step or hop back.
Chaturanga to Upward Dog: Lower halfway, then inhale into Upward Dog.
Downward Dog: Exhale back.
Warrior I (right, then left): Step one foot forward, rise into Warrior I, then switch sides.
Warrior Flow (3 minutes)
From Warrior II, flow into Reverse Warrior, then to Extended Side Angle.
Move fluidly with your breath, switching sides after 1.5 minutes.
Lunge Pulses (2 minutes)
From a Low Lunge position, pulse your hips up and down gently.
Switch sides after 1 minute.
Cool down (5 Minutes)
Wide-Leg Forward Fold
Stand with feet wide apart.
Hinge at your hips and fold forward, letting your head hang.
Seated Forward Fold
Sit with legs extended.
Inhale, reach arms overhead, exhale to fold over your legs.
Reclining Figure Four Stretch
Lie on your back.
Cross your right ankle over your left thigh and gently pull the left leg toward your chest.
Switch sides after a few breaths.
Closing Breathwork
Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana)
Sit comfortably.
Close your right nostril with your thumb and inhale through the left nostril.
Close the left nostril with your ring finger and exhale through the right.
Inhale through the right nostril, close it, and exhale through the left.
Continue for 1-2 minutes.
Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)
Lie back with the soles of your feet together and knees wide.
Rest your hands on your belly or by your sides.
Stay here for 2-3 minutes, breathing deeply.
Benefits of This Practice
Increased circulation and cardiovascular health
Mental clarity and energy boost
Stress relief and mood elevation
Gentle yet effective way to stay active indoors
Even when the weather outside is cold and wet, you can find warmth and vitality through movement and breath. This energizing yoga sequence is a great way to keep your body active and your spirits high. Embrace the coziness of home while staying committed to your well-being.
Stay warm, stay energized, and keep flowing!